Holistic care resources

We are in a time of great transition that is not only affecting our jobs and health but also having immense impact on our psychological, emotional and energetic constitution. The effects will be with us for many seasons to come, even after quarantine has lifted. The good news is, WE ARE BUILT FOR CHANGE, including what we are facing now, it does require attending to all aspects of ourselves, as well as basic survival. Here is a list of Brownswell partners and recommended resources to offer holistic support from our root, to our hearts, to our crown, as we resurrect our ability to move through this change with power, ground, vision and creativity. I have personal experience with and deep respect for the individuals and orgranizations I have listed. They have all offered a village of support and wisdom for me during harrowing times and continue to do so now. Take time to sense in to whether they resonate with you as well. Many blessings.

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    Aisha Edwards

    Somatic trauma therapist, online trauma care workshops.

    Martina Drassl

    Somatic Experiencing coach, specializes in integrating trauma, stress and anxiety.

    Jeevan Singh

    Somatic Mindfullness coaching.

    Keiko Ozeki

    Distance Spiritual counsel and Energy sessions.

    Liz Long

    Distance Reiki and spirit guide channel.

    Mari Bartoo Jacobson

    Distance Reiki sessions.

    Phoenix Rose

    Holistic business coach.

    Huayruro LLC

    A collective of amazing humans gathering online community circles for grief, conflict, and connection.


    Soul Fire Farm

    A rad black-led farm and farm training program in New York State modelling how to end racism, engage relationship based economics, care for our communities and our earth through farming.

    Whose Fixing the People Fixing our Planet?

    Excellent podcast the indomitable Nikki Silvestri about how to turn around the state of our world with spirit and strategy

    Podcast between myself and Meng Yu on this years Chinese Astrology

    Meditation for grounding, finding our medicine and re-inventing ourselves

    Adrienne Marie Brown’s Blog

    Someone who is truly living through the change with curiosity and creativity. This blog is filled with creative writing to explore the adventure that crisis presents.

    The Biggest Little Farm

    A heart-warming movie about a regenerative agriculture farm in California and how they learned to be in harmony with each other, and nature.


    Dr. Montserrat Andreys

    Awesome instagram video movement series for all types of aches and pains.

    Maria McDonald

    A talented Yoga facilitator. Maria’s Yoga Nidra classes are great for settling the nervous system.

    Dj Anjali and the Incredible Kid

    The best DJ party out there - these two are building revolution with music. Bring the sweet waves of Bollywood and global bass in your living room every Saturday night.

    Jennifer Lucero Earle

    Sign up for Jennifer’s newsletter to get access to online Nia and Tarot dance routines during quarantine.

    David Beaudry

    Medical Qi-Gong video with breathing and movement techniques to settle the nervous system.


    Emergence Magazine

    A stunning magazine converging ecology, culture and spirituality.

    Arundhati Roy

    Renowned author, wrote a beautiful essay about this time, here’s a video of her reading the essay. Here is an interview with Arundhati filled with wisdom on this time.

    Reverend Angel Kyodo Williams

    A renowned, brilliant Black Zen Master and author of Radical Dharma - a book about how to create an inner revolution that supports outer revolution. Here is a beautiful interview with Reverend Angel.

    Esther Perell

    Live weekly broadcasts, by visonary therapist Esther Perell, on how to creatively grapple with relational challenges, stress and grief of lockdown life.

    Joanna Powell Colbert

    A wise voice of reason and ground, adapting messages from the earth, tarot and seasons into guides for how to live gracefully as humans.


    Dust off the old texts, they have the blueprint on how to move through chaos with grace! Here are texts and resources I have found to be extremely helpful in transformative processes:

    Herbcrafter’s Tarot

    A stunning earth-based tarot deck that documents transformation using the wisdom of our earth and plants.

    The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

    The Dao Oracle

    An oracle illustrating the 64 I-Ching hexagrams which documents each stage of change in the transformation process.

    The I-Ching (The book of changes), The Dao de Ching



    Exceptional Chinese Divination readings and Chinese Astrology forecasts

    Giselle Casteano

    Get Giselle’s Astro of 2020 zine! It’s gorgeously written & illustrated offering clarifying perspective and reflections. Donation based. Email giselle.castano@gmail.com for your copy.

    Jennifer Lucero Earle

    EPIC, EPIC Tarot readings if you are in need of clarity.

    Vanessa Couto

    Vanessa has a gift for distilling astrological information into useful clear human reflection and action.


    Kat Vellos

    Author of the book We Should Get Together. Kat’s book, newsletter, and instagram is filled with fun tools and exercises to remind us how to have intimate awesome friendships, even during covid.

    Esther Perell

    Mentioned above as well, a visionary therapist with timely insight on how to tend to and repair our relationships.


    Jeevan Singh

    Somatic Womb and Pelvic Work (tele-health)

    Adrianna Locke

    Traditional Chinese medicine tele-health sessions.


    Resource Generation

    A non-profit supporting efforts to radically re-distribute wealth.

    Blog article: What if the banks shut down?

    Adrienne Marie Brown’s response to a creative writing prompt on Money


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