Raging rivers of justice



Do you feel it? 

Forgotten rivers now raging, once dammed 

in margins and crevices of earth 

where rock meets bone

Reservoirs catching the unsung hopes, dreams, anger, grief of our Black, Indigenous, Brown, earth ancestors.

Do you feel it?
The power of ancestors un-damming, flowing

re-hydtrating thirsty dry deserted lands and hearts.



May we flow with it

Knowing this bend serves all the others.

May we flow to remember how it feels to be carried downstream

in the journey towards justice.


Hello Dear One,

Take time to tune into your body, close your eyes if it feels safe and feel the collective wave of justice that is sweeping through our globe in support of Black lives. Feel the river of liberation that has been un-dammed. How does it feel inside your body? What emotions are unearthing? What's being un-dammed inside of you? How are you called to spend your time since the currents unmistakable arrival? Take some time with this. Journal about it, draw it, speak about it with loved ones. 

Then ask yourself:

  • How do I stabilize the energy rising within me so I can strengthen and expand my capacity (imagine deepening, widening and lengthening from our base) to flow with the changing landscape of our world?

  • If my life is a prophecy  by my ancestors, what prophecy am I meant to fullfill now?

Our world has entered an era of service. 
What we are witnessing in our wold right now isn’t just an “intense” time due to circumstance. We are witnessing planetary transformation, the beginning of a new era. Our global community is in a long over-due reckoning that many of us pushed aside in order to hold onto comfort, ease and privilege at the expense, suffering, and death of our Black, Indigenous and Brown bodied community members and our precious Earth.  The river of reckoning is clearly letting us know we begin making amends by uplifting our Black brothers and sisters, and continue to do so until they are thriving. There will be more currents of reckoning to come, each will ask us to ground and heal through collective service. We are being asked to dissolve boundaries, even as we erect new ones, to expand our definition of neighbor, family, friend, work so that we care for our beloved Black community as we would our own flesh and blood. It will take time and this is the time , time to usher balance and humility back into our fragmented lives, systems and communities through grounded service.

It will take work to stay a float as we cross the threshold into this new age. For support, remember the raging river. We can’t physically see it yet we can certainly feel it. Un-damming a giant body of water brings new life by washing away structures that aren’t deeply rooted or flexible while changing the structure of anything that can withstand the rapids.  It's a natural process of destruction that supports new landscapes. 

So when we ask how do we show up at this time, how do we show up for our Black community during a global pandemic, there is a growing list of brilliant articles, organized protests and political work to inspire action. To be prepared to show up and act in a good way we also have to continue to revolutionize our internal worlds. Take time to feel the state of your body and ask

Am I grounded, rooted and flexible enough to stay in this river, to be changed by it, to welcome it, to fall a part, grieve and still stay in the river?

Am I rooted enough to release the rigid and privileged parts of myself that aren't flexible or grounded enough to flow with supporting Black lives?  

Maybe it’s not safe for you to be in the river yet without being taken under, especially if you are new to the movement. Honor where you are and work your way towards the water, it will eventually carry you away if you don’t. BE DILIGENT, DISCIPLINED, CONSISTENT in uplifting, strengthening and taking up practices that support your roots and body, release what doesn't. Let's lay the foundation we need to be effective, strategic, able to listen, be wrong and activate our unique contribution and prophecy. As we do we will begin to feel we aren’t just “showing up” or “helping” – that is the language of savior mentality that we are learning to change. We are coming into alignment with our humanity, our purpose, with Truth, becoming more integrated as individuals and as a collective.

May we all have the courage to be with the raging rivers of forgotten ancestors coursing through our collective and within our own bodies. Remember these waters are ultimately here to heal us all, restore balance and justice. This time will require us to be embodied so we can be of service, grounded so we can be of service, humble and able to make mistakes to be of service, connected more deeply than we ever have to be of service. With much love,

Evolving and flowing with you


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Speaking to our roots


Election care